| CONSUMER PROTECTION IN INSURANCE BFAA Syllabus: 2.3. Insurance Regulation Licenses: IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 3.5 Author: Kaido Kepp Published: June, 2022 -
Understand the main legal aspects that regulate the distribution of insurance and entering into the insurance contract from the consumer protection perspective. -
Understand and be able to explain the processes of handling consumer complaints during the contract or after the insured event has happened. |
| BFAA Syllabus: 2.4. Sustainable Finance Regulation Licenses: IA, IIP, IIA CPD hours: 3.25 Author: Anton Skvortsov Published: May, 2022 -
Know the main goals and purpose of the EU sustainable finance regulations. -
Understand the concept of sustainable investment. -
Learn how sustainability preferences affect the suitable offers for the client. |
| DATA PROTECTION LAW (refreshed part of BFAA workbook) BFAA Syllabus: 2.3.3. Data protection law Licenses: IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 2 Author: workbook material refreshed by Virginija Poškaitienė Published: October, 2021 -
Understand the key principles of personal data processing. -
Distinguish between data processing for different purposes. -
Explain to the client his rights as data subject and how the personal data will be processed. -
Know about the applicable sanctions and powers of the enforcement authority in cases of violation of data protection rules. |
| BFAA Syllabus: 2. ETHICS & REGULATION Licenses: IA, IIP, IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 2 Author: Pavils Misins, Tomas Talutis Published: October, 2021 -
Strengthen ability to make sound decisions in ethical dilemma. -
Know the importance of keeping bank internal information in dealings with clients. -
Understand the six principles that help act professionally and in the best interest of clients. |
| INFLATION AND ITS IMPACT ON AN INVESTOR (Inflation, Module 1) BFAA Syllabus: 1.1. MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Licenses: IA, IIP, IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 0.75 Author: Martin Kress Published: September, 2021 -
Definition of inflation and what causes the inflation. -
Impact on purchasing power, nominal vs real rate of return. -
Impact on value of bonds, and business. INFLATION AND FINANCIAL MARKETS (Inflation, Module 2) BFAA Syllabus: 1.1. Macroeconomic Environment Licenses: IA, IIP, IIA CPD hours: 0.5 Author: Martin Kress Published: September, 2021 -
Definition of expected and unexpected inflation. -
The impact of inflation on real returns of assets classes during different inflationary periods. |
| BUSINESS CYCLE AND MAIN ECONOMIC INDICATORS (Business cycle, Module 1) BFAA Syllabus: 1.1. MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Licenses: IA, IIP, IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 3 Author: Anton Skvortsov Published: July, 2021 -
Know about different measures of economic activity, the business cycle and main economic indicators. -
Understand why business cycles happen. -
Know how Central Banks and Governments can impact business cycles. |
| MAIN ASSET CLASSES AND THEIR VALUE AND RETURN DRIVERS (Business cycle, Module 2) BFAA Syllabus: 1.1. MACROECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Licenses: IA, IIP, IIA CPD hours: 3.5 Author: Anton Skvortsov Published: July, 2021 -
Know more about factors that determine value and expected return of major asset classes. -
Understand behavior of asset classes during business cycle. |
| BFAA Syllabus: 2.3.5. Claims Handling Licenses: IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 3 Author: Kaido Kepp Published: July, 2021 -
Understand the main legal aspects that arise for the customer in claims handling. -
Know how to explain the general claims processes from the consumer point of view for both life and non-life contracts. |
| BIOMETRIC RISKS IN INSURANCE BFAA Syllabus: 1.3. INSURANCE MARKET Licences: IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 2.5 Author: Kadri Rumm Published: November, 2020 -
Learn what biometric risks are. -
Get to know more about biometric risk products. -
Learn more about the four core risks – mortality, disability, morbidity and longevity. -
Get to know more about underwriting, exclusions and premiums. |
| 2020’s ETHICS CASE. PRINCIPLES BEHIND INVESTMENT OR INSURANCE ADVICE BFAA Syllabus: 2. ETHICS & REGULATION Licences: IA, IIP, IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 2.25 Author: adapted from Swedsec case by Irma Lazickienė, Karolina Kriščiukaitytė, Pavils Misins Published: November, 2020 -
Know why ethics is especially important for financial advisors. -
Understand, how to differ between advice and mismatched sales. -
Know, what are the requirements to match the product with client’s needs. -
Know, what are the investment recommendations. |
| INDEX FUNDS AND EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE BFAA Syllabus: 5.2. INVESTMENT FUNDS Licences: IA, IIP, IIA, LIA CPD hours: 3.5 Author: Marten Kress Published: September, 2020 -
Comprehend the specific terminology of index funds and ETFs. -
Have a clear overview of how index fund and ETF work and are created. -
Know where to look for information related to ETFs. -
Know the main risks related to investing into index funds and ETFs. -
Know how to use tools to compare index funds and ETFs with one another. |
| TAXATION OF AN INDIVIDUAL`S INVESTMENTS AND INSURANCE AGREEMENTS BFAA Syllabus: 2.2. RERUGALTION OF INVESTMENTS & 6.1.4 & 6.2.7 TAX LAW Licences: IA, IIP, IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 4.5 Author: Marija Černoštana, Violeta Tumkienė Published: September, 2020 -
Know the basics of taxation. -
Understand taxation of dividends, interest income, capital gains. -
Know about investment account. -
Understand taxation of pension contributions and payments, and taxation of insurance agreements. |
| BFAA Syllabus: 1.2.1. FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKETS Licences: IA, IIP, IIA CPD hours: 4 Author: Maris Rambaks Published: October, 2019 -
Know the history of the foreign exchange market. -
Understand, how the FX market is organised. -
Know the definitions, conventions and calculations used and the key market participants. -
Understand an overview of basic exchange rate economics. -
Know and understand different ways of how currencies can be exchanged or traded against each other. -
Understand basic FX related risks in investment products and how to reduce risk. |
| PRINCIPLES OF PERSONAL FINANCE MANAGEMENT BFAA Syllabus: 3.1. INVESTMEN ADVICE Licences: IA, IIP, IIA, LIA CPD hours: 3 Author: Janis Rozenfelds, Dr Tadas Gudaitis Published: October, 2019 -
Recall the process of financial planning and why financial planning is important. -
Understand how to make a comprehensive budget and how to calculate a client‘s disposable income available for savings and investment. -
Apply the concept of Time Value of Money, calculate the value of an investment, when a compound or simple interest is used, and understand the benefits of periodic investment. -
Understand the characteristics of life-cycle investment strategies, know the differences between lifecycle funds and static allocation funds, and know how life-cycle investment can help in retirement planning. -
Understand the cost of borrowing and what is the effect of interest rates in borrowing. Also, the licence holder should be able to recall what factors determine the need for borrowing, savings, and investment. -
Understand how life insurance products are incorporated in financial planning. |
| PRINCIPLES OF ESTABLISHING THE INSURANCE PREMIUM BFAA Syllabus: 1.4. Financial basics Licenses: IA, IIA, LIA, NLIA CPD hours: 3 Author: Kaido Kepp Published: June, 2019 -
Understand the principle of insurance through pooling of risks. -
Explain the role of the insurer in managing the pool of insured risks and establishing equitable premium. -
Explain different sources of data for calculating risk premium. -
Explain components of insurance premium. -
Understand the pricing process and the specific steps for pricing Personal Accident Insurance. |
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